Accomplishments reflect a positive shift in accessibility and ongoing engagement with key stakeholders

Aventiv Technologies and its corrections-services subsidiary, Securus Technologies, today reported progress on key milestones of the transformation commitments announced in mid-January. Under the direction of President and CEO Dave Abel, the organization is undertaking an expansive and holistic transformation to make its products more accountable, affordable and accessible. The pace of the early progress in the multi-year effort highlights the company’s ability to quickly adapt to the new vision and operating practices.

“While we recognize that this work is just the first step in a long-term process, we are very proud of what we have already achieved,” said Dave Abel, President and CEO of Aventiv Technologies. “I am dedicated to driving meaningful change in the organization, in the sector and in the communities we serve. We are continuing much-needed face-to-face conversations with all stakeholders – we need to work together on this.”

In the first sixty days since Aventiv made these commitments, the company took multiple steps towards full achievement of its goals, including:

  • Developed and deployed new technology to reduce reliance on third-party payment services, eliminating their fees and bringing savings to impacted consumers by an average of 30% in the total cost of each call.
  • Negotiated new contract with a major county customer lowering the cost of phone calls by more than 60% for over 6,000 incarcerated individuals and their loved ones.
  • Integrated commission-free and agency-paid options for telephone calls with both existing institutional customers and potential new institutional customers.
  • Convened first quarterly consumer forum with formerly incarcerated individuals and their families in Detroit to hear firsthand about their experiences and how to better serve them which will be used to inform future development efforts.
  • Met with leaders and participants of job-training and -placement organizations currently operating inside and outside of correctional facilities to learn about employment best practices and help guide development of re-entry support.
  • Signed the Getting Talent Back to Work pledge from the Society for Human Resource Management and committed to give hiring opportunities to deserving individuals with a criminal record.
  • Sponsored the Second Annual Correctional Education Reentry Summit hosted by Ashland University and supported the participation of formerly incarcerated students of the University.


“Aventiv’s efforts to expand and invest in correctional education services will lead to more successful re-entry outcomes and reduced rates of recidivism, ultimately saving taxpayers money in the long-term,” said Todd Marshall, Vice President for Correctional Education and Innovation at Ashland University. “We have proudly worked with the organization for years and look forward to their participation in this year’s Re-Entry Summit, leading the charge to building connections to improve the reintegration and reengagement of formerly incarcerated individuals back into their communities.”

Additional initiatives and progress on milestones will be publicly detailed quarterly.

About Securus Technologies

Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, and serving more than 3,450 public safety, law enforcement and corrections agencies and over 1,200,000 inmates across North America, Securus Technologies is committed to serve and connect by providing emergency response, incident management, public information, investigation, biometric analysis, communication, information management, inmate self-service, and monitoring products and services in order to make our world a safer place to live. Securus Technologies connecting what matters®. For more information, please visit

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